Demand sustainability from your community
You have a voice in the groups to which you belong. There are several things that you have the right to question within these. A start is to ask these questions and if the answers aren’t sustainable, demand change.

You can request changes from your university or school by contacting or talking to staff members or management. Ask to get informed about your school’s sustainability work and come with suggestions of improvements. This could be everything from giving tips to your lunch personal of a vegan dish that you love, to creating a sustainability student group much like the FRIENDS one.
As a student at Lund University you can join Klimatstudenterna and get support, answers and help out to pressure more action towards sustainability.
The maybe most visible way of demanding change from your municipality is to join a demonstration. The Fridays for Future school strikes are a good option no matter age. These strikes are ongoing every Friday in most bigger cities in Sweden and around the world. Join the one in your city or get support to start one where you live. To voice your opinion and demand change from your municipality you can also contact a politician (either through email, phone or social media), attend citizens meetings and write a citizens suggestion.


Ask about the environmental policy at your job and come with suggestions and solutions rather than critique. Be creative in ways of making your workplace more sustainable. Can you request a vegetarian or ecological venue for your conferences and lunch meetings or just treat the office with some vegan cookies? Both big and small actions are good actions.
- Get ecological coffee for the office
- Start a biking competition with your coworkers
- Work for integration of sustainability within all departments
Creating a friendly relationship with the people around you is a really good way to increase sustainable living. There are many products like, saw, spade or latter which we use very few times per year. These are great items to share with the people living close to you. You have a great chance to influence your neighbors by leading by a good example and inviting them to do the same.
- Host a potlock with vego theme
- Start a shared tools shed
- Join in together to get solar panels